Knowledge is Power 

For generations Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people have passed down knowledge from elder to youth. For us knowledge is a perpetual process that never stops. Today, we acknowledge our communities have changed, but we can never lose our methods of learning. To all of our people Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian and the community Southeast, Alaska come learn with us.

Healthy Tribes
Equal Healthy


The Tribe is committed to meeting our citizens where they are at and offering a hand up. We are excited to roll out new opportunities for citizens to get the experience and training they need to reach their educational and career goals.

— President Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson

What makes us special?

Generations Southeast is a place of learning that is culturally driven by our Traditional Tribal Values. Embracing the strength of our culture and communities, our courses are open to the public and we welcome everyone to join our learning environment. Through high quality, postsecondary academic and vocational training courses as well as cultural classes, we provide students the opportunity for personal growth and the tools for career development and financial wellness.